Our New FireSilx Fire Retardant Moss Mat

Fire Retardant Mat – FireSilx Artificial Moss Material
We’ve listened to your questions and comments, and we’re excited to announce that we now have a new FireSilx flame retardant artificial mat version.
Because this is a FireSilx FR product, it is inherently fire retardant right down to the core. Like the rest of the FireSilx range, we don’t use flame resistant sprays or dips, so there is no need to yearly reproof the material. Our impressive collection of Fire Retardant worldwide FR certificates are available for our customers to download and keep in their records alongside their FireSilx warranty.
Fire Risk Peace Of Mind
You can have the peace of mind that our fire retardant mats have the added safety built into the core of the product by watching our quick video demonstration of our artificial moss mats being tested with a naked flame held against it.
See the mat exposed to a flame in the video below: